Number Sense and Operations
- Covers number concepts up to 10,000, addition and subtraction of whole numbers and decimals, and basic multiplication and division operations.
- Students develop mental math strategies and solve real-world problems using numbers.
Fractions and Decimals
Focuses on comparing, ordering, and converting fractions and decimals, including modeling and graphing fractions and decimals on number lines.
- Students explore equivalent decimals and fractions.
Patterns and Algebra
Explores increasing and geometric number patterns, input/output tables, algebraic relationships, and one-step equations using all operations.
- Students analyze and complete patterns and solve for unknowns.
Measurement and Geometry
Covers concepts of time (12- and 24-hour clocks), perimeter, symmetry, polygons, and other geometric properties.
- Students calculate measurements and explore geometric relationships.
Data and Probability
- Focuses on interpreting and creating bar graphs and pictographs, understanding probability, and making predictions.
- Students engage in probability experiments and financial literacy tasks.